
I created this blog to share my thoughts on colors, adapting patterns to make them your own, and mixing and matching yarns.  This isn’t a “How To” blog.  I may offer some tips that I find helpful, but there are many other sites that teach crochet stitches.  This one is about creating your own projects from existing patterns and stitches.  There are so many wonderful patterns and stitches already available that it isn’t always necessary to try to create new ones.  Adapt an old one, and give it a home.

I’m told by an expert quilter that they love the feel of the fabrics.  I understand that, as I have to feel the yarn.  I want to feel the fiber as much as I want to see the color.  Up close.  It calls to me, or it doesn’t.   I will walk through the yarns in the store, telling myself I won’t buy any today, … I really won’t buy any today…but I always do.  I don’t have a particular project in mind.  I just know that I’ll use this one some day.  Over time, I’ve stocked my own yarn store at home.

I spent years rejecting patterns because I didn’t like either the color or the stitches.  Until one day, I realized that I could change what I didn’t like.  I began adapting the patterns to keep the good parts, and alter what I saw as wrong.  I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what appeals to me certainly may not appeal to anyone else.   But, maybe some of the projects presented here might provide some ideas for you.

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